Ideal applications
- General sample incubation and evaporation in a variety of tube and vial sizes
- Silylation, alkylation, and acylation derivatization reactions for GC sample preparation
- Protein hydrolysis and vacuum hydrolysis reactions for amino acid analysis by HPLC
Additional features
- LED display: match digital display to in-block thermometer to calibrate temperature set-point
- Modular design: switch aluminum blocks and vials; attach compatible evaporator manifold
- Four models: single-block and triple-block sizes with either heat-only or heat-and-stir capability
- In-block temperature control option by Remote Temperature Probe, an optional accessory to allow temperature regulation from block wells or actual sample vials
Complete Reacti-Therm Sample Derivatization System
The derivatization system can combine heating, stirring and evaporation in a versatile, modular system that is easily configured to your application.
- Reacti-Therm Heating/Stirring Module
- Reacti-Vap Evaporator Module
- Reacti-Blocks, Reacti-Vial Magnetic Stirrers, and Reacti-Vial Small Reaction Vials