The 908 Devices™ ZipChip™ system coupled to the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap™ and other compatible mass spectrometer platforms can characterize a wide range of bio-analytes via unique microfluidic capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation and high-resolution accurate-mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry identification. This exceptionally fast, sensitive, and accurate CE/ESI-MS workflow complements
LC-MS technology to address analytical challenges in biopharma.
The ZipChip system and compatible MS platforms can quickly analyze intact mAbs in native, partially denatured, and fully denatured conditions to support characterization of biotherapeutics under a diverse range of conditions. Heterogeneous ADCs can be successfully characterized in under 3 minutes by utilizing a ZipChip system and Q Exactive MS workflow with Thermo Scientific™ BioPharma Finder™ software. Fast, sensitive, and accurate antibody subunit analysis can be accomplished by the ZipChip system and Q Exactive Plus, Q Exactive HF, and/or Q Exactive HF-X MS BioPharma option platforms. The combination of the ZipChip system sample separation, Q Exactive MS produced HRAM MS and MS/MS spectra, and BioPharma Finder software enables fast and accurate peptide identification.